Advisory Board Opportunity
The Town of Micro is seeking applicants to fill the role of two in-town members term on the Planning Board/Board of Adjustments. These terms would expire February 2028. These boards meet the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The Planning Board serves in an advisory role for Rezoning and Text Amendments. The Board of Adjustments hears and makes final decisions regarding Variance applications as well as Administrative Appeals. Please complete an application and return via email at

Town Hall Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday*
9:00am - 5:00pm
Closed for lunch
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Closed for most National Holidays*
Water Updates
For any updates on the JoCo Public Utilities visit their site HERE​
Trash and Recycling
Recycling is Picked up Every Other Friday. Trash is picked up every Friday.
If you have issues, please contact the Town. ​
Pay Your Water/ Sewer Bill
A new town that began to emerge along the north-south railroad in the late 1890's was so tiny that it would aquire a name derived from a Greek word meaning "Small". As years went by, Micro has remained the smallest incorporated town in Johnston County with fewer than 600 residents.
Micro has developed a community spirit that would enable its citizens to say the quality of a community is not determined
by the number of it's inhabitants.
We invite you to pull off of I-95 at exit 102 and stop by the Waffee Station or shop for cake decorating supplies at NC Paper Company
...and enjoy this small and charming town!

Town Council Meetings
Utility Business Center
Meeting Room
450 US 301N
Micro, NC 27555
Town Council Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm unless otherwise listed here.
Planning Board meets every 4th Tuesday of the month
at 7:00pm unless otherwise listed here.
​​​Interim Town Clerk​
Kimberly Moffet
Accounts Payable/Receivable​
Lisa Lee
Deputy Town Clerk​​
Yiecenia Joyner
Public Works Director​
Jason Banks