Town Hall Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday*
9:00am - 5:00pm
Closed for lunch
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Closed for all National Holidays*
Water Updates
For any updates on the JoCo Public Utilities visit their site HERE​
Trash and Recycling
Recycling is Picked up Every Other Friday. Trash is picked up every Friday. If you have issues, please contact the Town. ​
Pay Your Water/ Sewer Bill
A new town that began to emerge along the north-south railroad in the late 1890's was so tiny that it would aquire a name derived from a Greek word meaning "Small". As years went by, Micro has remained the smallest incorporated town in Johnston County with fewer than 600 residents.
Micro has developed a community spirit that would enable its citizens to say the quality of a community is not determined
by the number of it's inhabitants.
We invite you to pull off of I-95 at exit 102 and stop by the Waffee Station or shop for cake decorating supplies at NC Paper Company
...and enjoy this small and charming town!
Marty Parnell
Mayor Pro-Tem
Kevin Worley
Tim Earp
Katy Garcia
Next Town Council Meeting
December 10th, 2024 @7pm
Utility Business Center
Meeting Room
450 US 301N
Micro, NC 27555
Town Council Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm unless otherwise listed here.
Next Planning Board Meeting​
November 26th, 2024 @7pm
Utility Business Center
Meeting Room
450 US 301N
Micro, NC 27555
Planning Board meets every 4th Tuesday of the month
at 7:00pm unless otherwise listed here.
​​​Interim Town Clerk​
Kimberly Moffet
Accounts Payable/Receivable​
Lisa Lee
Deputy Town Clerk​​
Yiecenia Joyner
Public Works Director​
Jason Banks